Financial records

The upkeep of the Commons is funded by a precept from Tunbridge Wells Borough Council, supplemented by grants and donations. Quarterly accounts are presented at each Conservators’ meeting, the budget for each year is proposed in January and the annual accounts are presented at the April meeting.

Accounts are externally audited every year and, following best practice, they are also internally audited by the Mid Kent Audit Partnership.

The Conservators’ financial year runs from 1st April to 31st March.

Annual Return 2023/24

The accounts for the year 2023/24 have been completed and approved by the Conservators:

Statement of Accounts for 2023/24

The Annual Governance and Accountability Return for 2023/24 has been subject to internal audit by Mid Kent Audit Partnership, but is subject to external audit and therefore could change:

Annual Governance Statement 2023/24

Accounting Statements 2023/24

Explanation for response No in Section 1.4 and Internal Control Objective N

Internal audit report

The Annual Governance and Accountability Return for 2023/24 is to be audited by PKF Littlejohn (Ref: SBA Team, 15 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London E14 4HD) and is hereby published for public inspection as set out in the notice of public rights:

Statutory notice of the period to inspect unaudited accounts

To arrange to inspect the accounting records please contact the Clerk, contact details are supplied within the notice of public rights.

Annual Return 2022/23

Statement of Accounts for 2022/23

Statutory notice of the period to inspect unaudited accounts

Annual Governance Statement 2022/23 and Accounting Statements 2022/23

 Notice of conclusion of audit 

External Auditor’s certificate and report 2022/23.

Annual Return 2021/22

Audited Statement of Accounts for 21/22

Statutory notice of the period to inspect the unaudited accounts

Annual Governance and Accounting Statements for 2021/22

Notice of conclusion of audit for 2021/22

External Auditor’s certificate and report 2021/22

Annual Return 2020/21

Audited Statement of Accounts for 20/21

Annual Governance Statement 20/21

Notice of conclusion of audit for 20/21

External Auditor’s certificate and report 2020/21

Annual Returns 2019/20-2016/17






The budget for the current financial year 2024/25 can be found here:
Budget 2024/25

For comparison with previous years:








Year to date expenditure (2024/25)

Year to date financial reports and statements of expenditure as presented to the Conservators at each quarterly meeting in the current financial year can be found here:

Statement 1

Previous quarterly statements:

2023/4Statement 1 , Statement 2, Statement 3. Our new Treasurer started on 29th February 2024, as such a Statement 4 was not produced for 2023/24.

2022/23Statement 1, Statement 2, Statement 3, Statement 4

2021/22Statement 1, Statement 2, Statement 3 Statement 4

2020/21Statement 1, Statement 2, Statement 3  Statement 4




Certificate of Employer’s Liability Insurance

Certificate of employer’s liability insurance 2024